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Academic Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 2022, 3(2); doi: 10.38007/AJAS.2022.030202.

High Voltage Pulsed Electric Field Technology to Kill Bacteria or Pathogens in Sewage


Li Ma

Corresponding Author:
Li Ma

Nanjing Forestry University, Jiangsu, China


With the aggravation of water pollution and the serious shortage of fresh water resources, sewage sterilization treatment has become the focus of attention. Traditional sewage treatment methods cannot produce good killing effect on bacteria or pathogens in sewage, so it is urgent to explore and develop new environmental protection and efficient sewage sterilization technology. The application of high-voltage pulsed electric field technology in food sterilization has been developed rapidly. In order to explore the effect of high-voltage pulsed electric field technology on sewage sterilization and provide a new method for sewage sterilization, this study selected common domestic sewage as the experimental object, and investigated the influencing factors of high-voltage pulsed electric field technology sterilization and the inactivation effect of main microorganisms in sewage. A series of experiments were carried out with pH value, electric field intensity and treatment time as independent variables and total microbial mortality as dependent variables. The results showed that the sterilization effect of high-voltage pulsed electric field was significant, and pH value, electric field intensity and treatment time had great influence on the sterilization effect. In each experiment, one factor was selected as the only independent variable, and the other parameters remained the same. Because of the complexity of bacteria species in sewage, Escherichia coli and Salmonella were selected as two kinds of bacteria with high proportion, and their inactivation effect was taken as the main index. When the pH value was 3.98, the lethal effect was the best, the logarithm of death reached 2.1 and 3.41 respectively; when the electric field intensity was 30 kV/cm and the treatment time was 120 s, the lethality of Escherichia coli and Salmonella reached the highest.


High Voltage Pulsed Electric Field, Sewage Treatment, Sterilization, Pathogens, Escherichia Coli

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Li Ma. High Voltage Pulsed Electric Field Technology to Kill Bacteria or Pathogens in Sewage. Academic Journal of Agricultural Sciences (2022), Vol. 3, Issue. 2: 13-25. https://doi.org/10.38007/AJAS.2022.030202.


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