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International Journal of Multimedia Computing, 2021, 2(2); doi: 10.38007/IJMC.2021.020205.

E-Commerce Personnel Training of "Government-Industry-Enterprises-University" Based on Computer Cloud Computing


Yongjian Yu and Enping Huang

Corresponding Author:
Yongjian Yu

Nanchang Vocational University, Jiangxi 330500, China


The rapid development of the Internet has enabled various cloud computing-based applications to gradually penetrate into the fields of E-Commerce (EC), education, and medical care. With the reform of education, EC personnel training is innovating in the direction of “Government-Industry-Enterprises-University” (GIEU), that is, building a teacher training construction that links the government, schools, enterprises and industries, and further realizes the innovation of EC personnel training model and guarantees the personnel training model Have a lasting effect. In view of this, this article aims to study the EC personnel training of "GIEU based on Computer Cloud Computing (CCC). This article takes H university as an example, uses the questionnaire survey method to conduct experimental investigations, analyzes the current situation of modern university electronic biology "GIEU" personnel training mode, finds out its existing problems and analyzes the specific causes of the problems. This article puts forward several countermeasures to improve the EC "GIEU" personnel training model based on the reasons for the existing problems. The survey data shows that among the 965 valid questionnaires, 46.01% think that the integration of industry and education and school-enterprise cooperation are the most suitable, and 21.97% think that the modern apprenticeship is more suitable. This shows that the integration of production and education, and the school-enterprise cooperation personnel training model are the most effective ways to train EC professionals.


Cloud Computing, Government-Industry-Enterprises-University, E-Commerce, Talent Training

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Yongjian Yu, Enping Huang. E-Commerce Personnel Training of "Government-Industry-Enterprises-University" Based on Computer Cloud Computing. International Journal of Multimedia Computing (2021), Vol. 2, Issue 2: 33-40. https://doi.org/10.38007/IJMC.2021.020205.


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