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Nature Environmental Protection, 2021, 2(1); doi: 10.38007/NEP.2021.020101.

Intangible Cultural Heritage Protection Based on Big Data


Lingling Guo

Corresponding Author:
Lingling Guo

Nanchang Institute of Science and Technology, Jiangxi 330108, China


Intangible cultural heritage (ICH) defined in UNESCO Convention for the Protection of ICH refers to the practices, performances, activities, knowledge systems and skills of groups, and sometimes individuals as well as related tools, commodities, handicrafts and cultural places as cultural heritage. Combining with the most intense concept of Big data, this paper discusses the protection mode from the perspective of Big data, explore a new way to build Big data in the field of ICH, provide reasonable practical guidance, and devote yourself to the protection of ICH and the creation of innovative methods. At the same time, it also contributes to the innovation and inheritance of ICH. In this paper, a bionic optimization algorithm is proposed, and the ICH preservation and inheritance are investigated, it is concluded that the research on ICH protection based on Big data will improve its perfection by 25%.


Big Data, Ich, Protection Research, Bionic Optimization Algorithm

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Lingling Guo. Intangible Cultural Heritage Protection Based on Big Data. Nature Environmental Protection (2021), Vol. 2, Issue 1: 1-6. https://doi.org/10.38007/NEP.2021.020101.


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