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International Journal of Art Innovation and Development, 2021, 2(1); doi: 10.38007/IJAID.2021.020106.

Nanomaterials and Ferroelectric Domain Polarization on the Transmission Electron Microscopy of Wushu Performance Major Students


Jianying Li

Corresponding Author:
Jianying Li

City University of Malaysia, Malaysia


Nanomaterials and ferroelectric materials are two commonly used materials in today's society, and they have great influence in various fields. This article aims to study the TEM analysis of nanomaterials and ferroelectric domain polarization for Wushu performance students when shooting. This paper proposes to combine the characteristics of the multi-molecular structure of nanomaterials and the compactness of ferroelectric domain films to strengthen the transmission electron microscope, and optimize the imaging effect of the transmission electron microscope through EMCD technology. After improving the transmission electron microscope, this article has done experiments on capturing and manipulating ferroelectric domain nanoparticles with transmission electron microscope and exploring the anti-beating ability of transmission electron microscope. The experimental results show that the anti-smashing ability of the transmission electron microscope after nanomaterials and ferroelectric domain polarization has been greatly improved. The comprehensive damage degree of the transmission electron microscope dropped at a height of 10m is only 0.00007175, and the impact on the shooting effect is only 0.0208%. However, due to its increased density after strengthening, the improved transmission electron microscope is 1 to 1.5 times heavier than the ordinary transmission electron microscope.


Nanomaterials Research, Ferroelectric Domain, Photographing Process, Transmission Electron Microscope

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Jianying Li. Nanomaterials and Ferroelectric Domain Polarization on the Transmission Electron Microscopy of Wushu Performance Major Students. International Journal of Art Innovation and Development (2021), Vol. 2, Issue 1: 54-71. https://doi.org/10.38007/IJAID.2021.020106.


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