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Zoology and Animal Physiology, 2021, 2(3); doi: 10.38007/ZAP.2021.020302.

Transformation and Upgrading Path of Animal Husbandry Industry Based on Dynamic Shift Share Model


Rosan Cantero and Wonchanan Katsri

Corresponding Author:
Wonchanan Katsri

Suan Dusit University, Bangkok, Thailand


China is a big country of traditional animal husbandry, but it is also a weak country. This is mainly due to the backward production technology and unreasonable industrial structure. Industrial transformation and upgrading of animal husbandry are one of the important national policies in China, which is directly related to the overall situation of China's economic development. At present, the dynamic shift share model is often used to analyze the industrial transformation and upgrading in the world, but the research on the transformation and upgrading of animal husbandry in China is almost blank. In view of this situation, this paper puts forward the research on the transformation and upgrading path of animal husbandry industry based on dynamic shift share model. The research of this paper is mainly divided into three parts. The first part is the research of basic theory and core concepts. This part of the animal husbandry and industrial transformation and upgrading of in-depth theoretical analysis, through the analysis of this paper, although China's animal husbandry is lack of modern production management technology, but it has profound practical experience, which has a natural advantage for the transformation and upgrading of animal husbandry in China. The second part is the establishment method of animal husbandry transformation and upgrading analysis model based on dynamic shift share. This part gives the optimization and transformation steps of the model in detail, and explains its principle. The third part is the practical test part. In order to verify the practical effectiveness of the method, this paper uses the new balhu Right Banner as the experimental sample. Through detailed guidance and construction, and continuous follow-up survey, through the analysis of data, the method in this paper has played a key role in guiding the transformation and upgrading of animal husbandry in new balhu Right Banner, and its production scale and number of sheds have been significantly improved.


Dynamic Shift Share Analysis, Animal Husbandry, Industrial Transformation, Optimization and Upgrading

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Rosan Cantero and Wonchanan Katsri. Transformation and Upgrading Path of Animal Husbandry Industry Based on Dynamic Shift Share Model. Zoology and Animal Physiology (2021), Vol. 2, Issue 3: 13-27. https://doi.org/10.38007/ZAP.2021.020302.


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