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Zoology and Animal Physiology, 2022, 3(2); doi: 10.38007/ZAP.2022.030203.

Development Status of Leisure Tourism in the Peripheral Protection Area of Giant Panda Habitat


Peiyu Sun and Yue Shi

Corresponding Author:
Peiyu Sun

Civil Aviation Flight University of China, China


In order to solve the problem of meeting the people’s tourism needs and protecting the ecological environment of tourism destinations, ecotourism came into being. The eco-tourism resources in the outer protection zone of the giant panda habitat are rich and have great development potential. At the same time, they also face some challenges, such as blind development, ecological destruction, and poor tourism infrastructure. This paper mainly studies the current status of leisure tourism development in the outer protection zone of giant panda habitat. This study takes the Giant Panda Habitat Outer Conservation Area as the research object, and takes the impact of the development of the Habitat Outer Conservation Area on resource dependence and protection as the entry point. By studying the impact of conservation on the Giant Panda Habitat Outer Protection Area, we can correctly understand The impact of biodiversity protection on community development. Based on field surveys, this study analyzes the level, characteristics, and trends of the dependence of natural resources on the development of habitat protection zones. On this basis, it analyzes the influencing factors of the level of dependence on natural resources. The youth, middle-aged and middle-aged and elderly groups have a high level of education. Teachers and students account for 32% of the total number, followed by government work, business management, and professional and technical personnel. The economic income is high. The regional environmental protection is weak, the supervision and management are not standardized, and the tourism activities have not strictly adhered to the functional zoning, including the improper disposal of the garbage, which has a great impact on the water body and vegetation damage; the popularization of science popularization and safety warnings is unclear, and other safety hazards such as fires exist in the protected area.


Nature Reserve, Leisure Tourism, Giant Panda Habitat, Ecological Tourism

Cite This Paper

Peiyu Sun and Yue Shi. Development Status of Leisure Tourism in the Peripheral Protection Area of Giant Panda Habitat. Zoology and Animal Physiology (2022), Vol. 3, Issue 2: 30-42. https://doi.org/10.38007/ZAP.2022.030203.


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