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Academic Journal of Energy, 2021, 2(2); doi: 10.38007/RE.2021.020202.

Structural Changes, Efficiency Improvements, and Energy Demand Forecasting Based on Empirical Analysis of Decomposition Models


Jalu Ahmad Prakosa

Corresponding Author:
Jalu Ahmad Prakosa

Anna Univ, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India


Forecasting of energy demand plays a vital role in the built environment. The main purpose of this paper is to study the structural changes and efficiency improvements based on the empirical analysis of the decomposition model, and to analyze the related application research of energy demand forecasting. This paper mainly analyzes the impact of new energy participation on the electricity spot market, the forecast of new energy generation power and the forecast of electricity price in the electricity spot market. Experiments show that the first year to achieve the 18% emission reduction target is very likely. Under the baseline scenario, CI falls to 66.7% in the tenth year, implying that the reduction target of up to 65% is barely attainable. It can be concluded that if the industrial and energy structure in the tenth year remains unchanged compared to the first year, and the sectoral energy consumption follows the growth trend of the previous years, the CI can be reduced, but only slightly above the 65% setting Target.


Decomposition Models, Empirical Analysis, Energy Demand, Demand Forecasting

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Jalu Ahmad Prakosa. Structural Changes, Efficiency Improvements, and Energy Demand Forecasting Based on Empirical Analysis of Decomposition Models. Academic Journal of Energy (2021), Vol. 2, Issue 2: 10-20. https://doi.org/10.38007/RE.2021.020202.


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