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Academic Journal of Energy, 2021, 2(3); doi: 10.38007/RE.2021.020307.

Energy Conversion Efficiency in Cloud Computing Environment


Saravana Sriedevi

Corresponding Author:
Saravana Sriedevi

University of Cagliari, 09123 Cagliari, Italy


With the requirements of large-scale computing and green concepts, cloud computing(CC) has become a hot topic. As one of the key problems in CC, energy conversion efficiency(ECE) has also received more and more optimized solutions from all angles under the attention of many scholars. This paper studies the ECE in CC environment, introduces the basic theory and related knowledge of CC, as well as the whole concept and framework of CC, discusses the ECE analysis theory based on CC environment, and analyzes the algorithm of energy conversion under CC technology. On this basis, the conversion efficiency is analyzed and studied, and good results are achieved.


Cloud Computing, Energy, Energy Conversion, Conversion Efficiency

Cite This Paper

Saravana Sriedevi. Energy Conversion Efficiency in Cloud Computing Environment. Academic Journal of Energy (2021), Vol. 2, Issue 3: 59-68. https://doi.org/10.38007/RE.2021.020307.


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