International Journal of Public Health and Preventive Medicine, 2022, 3(2); doi: 10.38007/IJPHPM.2022.030201.
Yilong Wang, Aihong He,Yonghui Gao, Lan Zhang and Lichun Tie
School of Economics, Northwest Minzu University, Lanzhou, Gansu 730030, China
General Secretary Xi Jinping has proposed that the key to making the advantages of the socialist system with Chinese characteristics work is to make people feel a sense of access, happiness and security. Since the new medical reform in 2009, China's medical security system has undergone a comprehensive reform, which has achieved remarkable results, especially in curbing the rapid rise in medical costs and the systemic stubbornness of the public's "difficulty in accessing medical care and expensive medical treatment" in the past, but the standard for reviewing the effectiveness of deepening the reform of the medical security system should be whether the public can really feel a sense of happiness and security. The most important component of China's medical security system is the health care system. The most important component of China's medical security system is basic medical insurance, therefore, based on the CGSS 2017 database, this paper uses basic medical insurance as a proxy variable to examine whether the deepening reform of China's medical security system has led to a real sense of "access, happiness and security" for urban and rural residents, and to examine the reality of the deepening reform of the medical security system. This paper examines whether the deepening reform of China's medical insurance system has led to a real sense of access, happiness and security for urban and rural residents, and proposes effective ways to further improve the sense of access, happiness and security for urban and rural residents.
Medical Insurance System, Basic Medical Insurance, Sense of Access, Sense of Well-Being, Sense of Security
Yilong Wang, Aihong He,Yonghui Gao, Lan Zhang and Lichun Tie. Has the Reform of the Medical Insurance System been Deepened to Enhance the "Sense of Access, Happiness and Security" of Urban and Rural Residents. International Journal of Public Health and Preventive Medicine (2022), Vol. 3, Issue 2: 1-19.
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