Academic Journal of Energy, 2022, 3(3); doi: 10.38007/RE.2022.030302.
Jumshaid Khan
Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, Bangladesh
With the rapid development of the global economy, energy has become an important part of human life and international competition. A clean, reasonable and efficient energy system is an important guarantee for maintaining the normal operation and sustainable development of urban functions. The purpose of this paper is to study the overall optimization and sustainable development of resources/energy/environment in the context of polygeneration energy system, and to construct an energy system model. According to the constructed model, the urban complex M is selected as the case analysis object. Through the comparative analysis of different deflection ratios, it can be found that when the maximum deflection ratio is set to 0.7, the energy consumption of the system is significantly lower than before, while the NPV and carbon dioxide emissions are significantly lower. reduce. The biomass gasification index and other indicators did not increase but decreased, indicating that the biomass gasification gas has found the best balance between the energy output of biomass cogeneration and its chemical composition. Secondly, through the price sensitivity analysis of biomass fuel, it is found that although natural gas cogeneration has a high heat and power conversion efficiency, the current biomass price has a huge price advantage over natural gas, and only when the biomass price rises by more than 70% will it be Cogeneration using natural gas.
Polygeneration Technology, Sustainable Development, Energy System, Holistic Optimization
Jumshaid Khan. Overall Optimization and Sustainable Development of Resources/Energy/Environment under Polygeneration Energy System. Academic Journal of Energy (2022), Vol. 3, Issue 3: 10-19.
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