Academic Journal of Energy, 2022, 3(4); doi: 10.38007/RE.2022.030401.
Enedir Ghisi
University of Eastern Finland, 80130 Joensuu, Finland
Since the reform and opening up, my country's economic development has made great achievements. But at the same time of economic development, there is also the problem of insufficient energy, which has become one of the main factors restricting the continued development of my country's economy and society. The purpose of this work is to study the optimization of industrial energy structure based on non-equilibrium thermodynamics. Firstly, it discusses the current situation of energy consumption, the non-equilibrium thermodynamics of energy system and the relevant industrial construction optimization theory, and then selects the indicators of economic development, industrial structure and energy consumption structure. Then adopt the minimum energy consumption constraint scheme based on non-equilibrium thermodynamics, the environmental pollution minimum constraint scheme and the industrial energy structure optimization scheme, and finally provide empirical data for the model based on the statistical yearbook of M province and the input-output table of M province. The model comparison analysis shows that, After the optimization of the industrial energy structure optimization scheme based on non-equilibrium thermodynamics proposed in this paper, the total energy consumption of M province is reduced by 6.2%. Compared with the baseline period, sewage discharge in Province M decreased by 4.9%, exhaust gas emissions decreased by 3.5%, and solid waste decreased by 1.5%. At this time, the economy has grown by 3.7% compared to the base period, and the optimization result is greater than the other two figures.
Non-equilibrium State, Thermodynamic Theory, Industrial Energy, Structural Optimization
Enedir Ghisi. Optimization of Industrial Energy Structure Based on Non-equilibrium Thermodynamics. Academic Journal of Energy (2022), Vol. 3, Issue 4: 1-11.
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