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International Journal of Multimedia Computing, 2020, 1(2); doi: 10.38007/IJMC.2020.010201.

Influence of Virtual Reality Technology on Audience's Performance Behavior of Stage Music Performance Art


Wei Liu

Corresponding Author:
Wei Liu

Anshan Normal College, Anshan, China


Stage performance art has a long calendar, its cultural heritage is deep, and its strong infection form is loved by the audience. Under the new stage of micro media, however, the impact of the new stage is increasing. With the gradual loss of customer groups, the emergence of virtual reality technology has brought new life to this field. At the same time, the traditional relationship between watching and performing is also changing. However, the research on virtual reality technology and audience behavior of stage performance is almost blank. In view of this situation, this paper puts forward the research on the impact of virtual reality technology on audience performance behavior of stage music performance art. This paper is divided into three parts; the first part is theoretical research. Through the research, this paper believes that the traditional stage performance art has great market potential, but its development needs to combine with the latest science and technology, and the emergence of virtual reality technology makes the audience have a new experience. The second part is the model design of stage performance based on virtual reality technology, which optimizes the shortcomings of existing 3D display performance. In this paper, through the optimization of stage model making, motion simulation and control design, the comprehensive performance of the model is improved, and the display effect is greatly improved. The third part is the comparative test, which further verifies the actual effect of the model in this paper through the way of comparative experiment. The experimental analysis mainly focuses on the following, fluidity, diversity, collectivity and independence in the performance observation. Through the analysis of experimental data, we can see that the stage performance using virtual reality technology can bring a new immersive experience to the audience, which is more popular than the traditional performance form.


Virtual Reality Technology, Stage Performance, Watch the Performance, Relationship between Watching and Performing

Cite This Paper

Wei Liu. Influence of Virtual Reality Technology on Audience's Performance Behavior of Stage Music Performance Art. International Journal of Multimedia Computing (2020), Vol. 1, Issue 2: 1-12. https://doi.org/10.38007/IJMC.2020.010201.


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