Distributed Processing System, 2020, 1(2); doi: 10.38007/DPS.2020.010203.
Cunha Mario
Gachon University, Republic of Korea
Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) technology is a kind of aircraft operation surveillance technology that has emerged in recent years. It has been widely regarded as the core technology of next-generation aviation surveillance in the international community. Many countries have already adopted ADS-B technology. For a relatively mature system, my country is also actively promoting the application of ADS-B technology. The research purpose of this paper is the ADS-B distributed processing system based on parallel computing on the general platform. In the experiment, the processing flow of the system is analyzed and the basic mathematical functions are used. Experiments and analysis are carried out on the carrier frequency test and carrier power test of the ADS-B system, as well as the ADS-B track filtering and processing system based on the parallel algorithm.
General Platform, Parallel Computing, ADS-B Technology, Distributed Processing System
Cunha Mario. ADS-B Distributed Processing System Based on Parallel Computing on Universal Platform. Distributed Processing System (2020), Vol. 1, Issue 2: 18-27. https://doi.org/10.38007/DPS.2020.010203.
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