Frontiers in Educational Psychology, 2022, 3(3); doi: 10.38007/JEP.2022.030302.
Hairong Xiang, Jianhui Gao, Xueqian Peng and Jing Zhao
College of Foreign Language Studies, Hubei Normal University, Huangshi, China
Blended learning is the combination of network learning and classroom learning, which is a supplement of the conventional teaching mode. As the continuous advancement of the Internet, blended learning is becoming increasingly prevalent. This paper mainly discusses the influence of blended learning on English learning motivation and achievement of English majors. Quantitative research is adopted through questionnaire survey on students majoring in English Education in the college of Arts and Sciences of Hubei Normal University. The questionnaire includes basic personal information, the motivation of students’ learning under blended learning and the experience of blended learning. The results show that blended learning mode can improve students’ English learning motivation.
Blended Learning, English Learning Motivation, English Majors
Hairong Xiang, Jianhui Gao, Xueqian Peng, Jing Zhao. The Influence of Blended Learning on English Learning Motivation and Achievement of English Majors. Frontiers in Educational Psychology (2022), Vol. 3, Issue 3: 10-19.
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