Frontiers in Educational Psychology, 2022, 3(3); doi: 10.38007/JEP.2022.030303.
Yongxin Hu and Zhou Wang
School of Physical Education, Hunan University of Arts and Science, Changde 415000, Hunan, China
The development of core literacy of students is the basis for deepening the curriculum reform and implementing the task of morality and talent cultivation. Its proposal and construction have opened a new era of curriculum reform and education model reform, and has become a key factor in implementing the goals of quality education and improving talent training key to quality. The purpose of this paper is to study the cultivation path of college students' literacy from the perspective of positive mental health education. Explore and propose countermeasures for the cultivation of college students' ideological and political identity. The political literacy of college students in the new era is mainly improved from the aspects of sticking to the main position of educating people; strengthening the construction of training teams and consciously improving their own political literacy. On the basis of the questionnaire, the present situation of college students' political literacy and its cultivation is analyzed one by one. This paper focuses on the analysis of the good results obtained in the cultivation of college students' political literacy and the shortcomings that still exist. The results of the experiment showed that 9% of the respondents clearly expressed their reluctance to participate in political activities.
Positive Psychology, Health Education, College Students' Literacy, Cultivation Path
Yongxin Hu and Zhou Wang. The Cultivation Path of College Students' Literacy from the Perspective of Positive Mental Health Education. Frontiers in Educational Psychology (2022), Vol. 3, Issue 3: 20-28.
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