Nature Environmental Protection, 2022, 3(3); doi: 10.38007/NEP.2022.030301.
Yichen Chen, Ruiping Zhang and Yong Xu
School of Environmental Law, Gansu University of Political Science and Law, Lanzhou, China
The use of ecosystem services creates natural and social material conditions for people's production and living activities. However, the wanton development and utilization of people also seriously damages ecosystem services. The evaluation of ecosystem service quality is an important cornerstone of cultural ecosystem environmental protection and rational use of land resources, and an important key issue to maintain the health of human natural systems and the sustainable development of regional society. This paper aims to study the ecosystem services of the Yellow River Basin based on ant colony optimization algorithm. On the basis of analyzing the evaluation method of ecosystem service function, ecosystem service evaluation model and the important mechanism of ant colony algorithm, the InVEST model is used to analyze the 2010 and In 2020, the two major ecosystem service functions of water supply and soil conservation will be evaluated, and then the changes in ecological service industry functions in different periods will be compared and analyzed. The results show that the soil erosion in the Yellow River Basin showed an increasing trend from 2010 to 2020.
Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm, Yellow River Basin, Ecosystem Services, Invest Model
Yichen Chen, Ruiping Zhang and Yong Xu. Ecosystem Services in the Yellow River Basin Based on Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm. Nature Environmental Protection (2022), Vol. 3, Issue 3: 1-8.
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