International Journal of Sports Technology, 2022, 3(3); doi: 10.38007/IJST.2022.030305.
Haibo Zhao
School of Physical Education College, Ningxia Normal University, Guyuan 756000, Ningxia, China
Muscle strain refers to a muscle's mechanical tension while it is relaxed. It refers to the period of muscle recuperation between contraction and diastole. Pain, impaired motor function, overload, and other effects can result from high stress. Lower tension, on the other hand, denotes weaker muscles and less motor function. The purpose of this essay is to look at muscular strain recovery during on the rehabilitation treatment of muscle strain in training. This paper uses literature search, expert interviews, questionnaires, logical analysis, experiments and mathematical statistics. This paper firstly summarises the clinical rehabilitation effects of athletes' training injuries by investigating and analysing the training status of athletes' training in China, understanding muscle tension in athletes, through far mobilisation and coaching visits, and clinical examination by medical staff. In this paper, 100 athletes were studied for massage rehabilitation and physical training rehabilitation methods respectively, and the results showed that massage rehabilitation and rehabilitation physical methods significantly improved the effectiveness of rehabilitation treatment for athletes with muscle tension. Therefore, in order to enable athletes to return to their pre-injury state and level as soon as possible, massage rehabilitation and physical fitness are of great practical importance.
Athlete Training, Muscle Strain, Rehabilitation Treatment, Rehabilitation Physical Training
Haibo Zhao. The Rehabilitation Treatment of Muscle Strain in Athletes' Training. International Journal of Sports Technology (2022), Vol. 3, Issue 3: 66-80.
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