International Journal of Multimedia Computing, 2022, 3(3); doi: 10.38007/IJMC.2022.030303.
Mallik Alassery
New Valley University, Egypt
In recent years, children's food safety has many problems, and it is particularly important to detect food quality and quality and safety in a timely and efficient manner. At present, the application of biosensors for food safety testing is becoming more and more extensive. Label-free, real-time, and highly sensitive bioassays are currently important technologies in the analysis of biology. In this paper, the optical waveguide lightmode spectroscopy (OWLS) biosensor is used to propose a biosensing detection method based on MEMS micromirror, and the concentration of glucose solution is directly detected by this method. Through the calculation and simulation, the relationship between the thickness of the waveguide film and the sensitivity is obtained. The refractive index sensitivity is proportional to the inverse ratio of the effective refractive index, and an extreme value appears during the period. The glucose solution was detected in TE mode and TM mode. The experimental results show that the solution concentration has a good linear relationship with the incident angle, and the sensitivity can reach 5 ng/m L, which is more sensitive than the traditional immunological detection method. The dynamic characteristics of the MEMS micromirrors were tested and analyzed. The method has the advantages of small volume, simple structure and no labeling, and can realize in-situ detection and avoid damage to protein activity. It is a protein-free optical detection method with great potential.
Grating Waveguide Mode Biosensor, Food Safety Product Detection, MEMS Micromirror
Mallik Alassery. Biosensors in Testing Children's Food Quality and Quality Safety. International Journal of Multimedia Computing (2022), Vol. 3, Issue 3: 33-46.
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