International Journal of Art Innovation and Development, 2022, 3(3); doi: 10.38007/IJAID.2022.030303.
Ankiit Singh
Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, Bangladesh
With the development of technology,Modern technology is a combination of technology and art and high technology. While satisfying the basic functions of clothing, it also needs to meet the requirements of consumers for aesthetics and health. Wearable technology is the trend of the future.Whether at CES International Electronic Consumption Exhibition or at the domestic electronic products exhibition, cultural and creative electronic products occupy a large number of booths.Under the impetus of scientific and technological innovation, people's consumption patterns and living habits are undergoing tremendous changes. The influence of science and technology on promoting economic prosperity and social progress can not be underestimated.As the most promising sunrise industry, the cultural industry is inseparable from the support of science and technology, using science and technology as a means to break the traditional cultural expressions and enrich the cultural communication methods, thus creating a new cultural product. People's recognition and attention gradually entered the life of ordinary people. The cultural and creative industry is an important force to promote the rapid development of the national economy.Effective integration of cultural and creative industries and wearable technology is an inevitable trend under the premise of rapid development of wearable technology, which can effectively improve the shortcomings of traditional cultural and creative industries. The integration of cultural creativity and wearable technology has become a highlight of reform in the context of rapid economic growth. In the context of wearable technology, the development of cultural and creative industries urgently needs market-oriented reform and innovation.This paper studies how wearable technology and cultural creativity can be integrated from the perspective of market user experience, and summarizes the business under market research.
Wearable Technology, Wireless Communication, Cultural Creativity, Market Competition
Ankiit Singh. The Countermeasures of the Integration of Wearable Technology and Cultural Creativity——Based on the Market Perspective. International Journal of Art Innovation and Development (2022), Vol. 3, Issue 3: 35-45.
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