Distributed Processing System, 2022, 3(4); doi: 10.38007/DPS.2022.030408.
Asiane Ullah
Uni de Moncton, Canada
At present, with the development of technology, dynamic distributed system (DDS) have been widely developed in many fields, and the maintenance requirements of the system have also undergone great changes. There are still many places worth discussing about the redundant fault-tolerant mechanism for data loss., so this paper studies the DDS based on PCL soft redundancy. The research on DDS in this paper can be divided into three parts. First, it introduces the architecture of distributed system(DS), dynamic monitoring resources, and an overview of redundant fault-tolerant mechanisms, followed by the collection nodes and resource management of DS. Design, and finally analyze the node repair collection degree and download time.
PCL Software Redundancy, Dynamic Distribution, Resource Management, Distributed System
Asiane Ullah. Dynamic Distributed Based on PLC Software Redundancy. Distributed Processing System (2022), Vol. 3, Issue 4: 61-69. https://doi.org/10.38007/DPS.2022.030408.
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