Frontiers in Ocean Engineering, 2020, 1(2); doi: 10.38007/FOE.2020.010203.
Mateev Valentin
University Greifswald, Germany
The sustainable development of human beings relies on the ocean to solve the problems related to environmental degradation, resource shortage and unreasonable population growth currently faced by human beings. It is particularly important to rationally develop and utilize marine resources. The purpose of this paper is to study the exploitation and utilization of marine resources based on neural network algorithm. Put forward corresponding suggestions for the development and utilization of marine resources, put forward an improved PCNN model, list its corresponding discrete mathematical expressions, expound the principle and basis of the improvement, and explain the parameter settings of the improved PCNN model. By using the underwater images collected by detection AUVs such as the seabed and tunnels to conduct experiments, a reasonable sonar image stitching experiment is set up to test the performance of different algorithms. Through the specific experimental results, the performance of different algorithms is analyzed and compared from both subjective and objective perspectives, which verifies the practicability and accuracy of the proposed method in underwater image enhancement and stitching.
Neural Network, Marine Resources, Development and Utilization, Underwater Robot
Mateev Valentin. Development and Utilization of Marine Resources Based on Neural Network Algorithm. Frontiers in Ocean Engineering (2020), Vol. 1, Issue 2: 17-24.
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