Frontiers in Ocean Engineering, 2020, 1(3); doi: 10.38007/FOE.2020.010302.
Zabolotny Wojciech
Mil Tech Coll, Comp Dept, Cairo, Egypt
With the development of science and technology, the scope of marine resources(MR) is also changing and developing. MR are an important part of natural resources. The development of science and technology and the improvement of ocean exploration ability provide an important way to solve a series of problems such as population expansion, resource scarcity, environmental pollution and so on. In recent years, with the convenience of science and technology, human beings have been exploiting various land resources, which makes the increasingly scarce land resources appear to be in short supply under the huge demand of human development. The vast and resource rich ocean has gradually become the focus of future interest competition. Therefore, this paper analyzes the resolution ability of modern Satellite Altimetry Gravity(SAG) anomaly, and discusses its application in MR survey. The validity and feasibility of applying modern SAG technology to MR survey are verified by experiments.
Satellite Altimetry Gravity Technology, Anomaly Resolution Analysis, Marine Resources Survey, Application Analysis
Zabolotny Wojciech. Modern Satellite Altimetry Gravity Anomaly Resolution Technology and its Application in Marine Resources Survey. Frontiers in Ocean Engineering (2020), Vol. 1, Issue 3: 10-19.
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