Frontiers in Ocean Engineering, 2020, 1(3); doi: 10.38007/FOE.2020.010304.
Ramyanen Radhakrishnan
Dhurakij Pundit University, Thailand
With the increasing pace of ocean development, today's monitoring and alarm systems for marine engineering projects have been paid more and more attention by people. The purpose of this paper is to study marine engineering safety monitoring based on cloud computing environment. Complete the research and implementation of cloud monitoring technology, apply cloud computing technology to the monitoring field in the offshore underwater detection platform, and develop a cloud monitoring system based on the cloud platform. Thereby, the shortcomings left by the traditional monitoring system of the offshore underwater detection platform are solved, so that the entire cloud monitoring system can perform real-time monitoring of data anytime, anywhere. The application of this technology is verified on the basis of 120GB data volume. The experimental results meet the expectations in advance, and at the same time, the value of marine data can be fully exerted, which provides an important reference for marine engineering construction and promotes social economy. develop.
Cloud Computing Environment, Marine Engineering, Safety Monitoring, Extreme Value of Significant Wave Height
Ramyanen Radhakrishnan. Marine Engineering Safety Monitoring under Cloud Computing Environment. Frontiers in Ocean Engineering (2020), Vol. 1, Issue 3: 28-35.
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