Frontiers in Ocean Engineering, 2020, 1(4); doi: 10.38007/FOE.2020.010403.
Hartwig Andrea
Korea Aerosp Univ, Goyang City, South Korea
Under different environmental conditions, after different types of waves are reflected, it is closely related to the selected separation method to accurately separate the incoming and reflected wave components in the composite wave. In order to solve the shortcomings of the existing research on the separation and calculation of reflected waves and incident waves in ocean engineering, this paper discusses the separation method of reflected waves and incident waves in ocean engineering and the functional equation of Fourier transform. The experimental environment and parameter settings of the separation calculation of reflected waves and incident waves in marine engineering are briefly introduced. And the design and discussion of the calculation process for the separation of reflected waves and incident waves in marine engineering based on Fourier transform is carried out. Finally, the application of Fourier transform in marine engineering in the calculation of reflected waves and incident waves is analyzed experimentally. The total system value and the input value of the reflected wave incident wave are transformed four times in the ocean engineering. The experimental data shows that the input value of the reflected wave incident wave from the first to the fourth time is 58 It can be seen that the total system value calculated by Fourier transform is not much different from the input value, and its accuracy .
Fourier Transform, Ocean Engineering, Incoming and Reflected Waves, Radio Wave Separation
Hartwig Andrea. Separation Calculation of Reflected Wave and Incident Wave in Ocean Engineering Based on Fourier Transform. Frontiers in Ocean Engineering (2020), Vol. 1, Issue 4: 18-25.
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