Frontiers in Ocean Engineering, 2021, 2(1); doi: 10.38007/FOE.2021.020102.
Lohr Christoph
Anadolu University, Turkey
The ocean is a fluid system, which is closely related to human economic activities. Marine resources(MR) provide a continuous supply of natural and non-natural resources of the ocean for human activities and livelihoods, which promotes the development of marine economic(ME) development potential, and also has a certain bearing capacity for waste generated by human social production and living activities, improving the human living environment. This paper studies the status quo of MR and the development of marine economy in the coastal economic zone of D province, and analyzes the coupling relationship between the carrying capacity of MR and the development potential of marine economy in D province from 2016 to 2020 according to the coupling degree calculation model. The results show that in 2019, the MR and marine economy of D province were at a moderately coordinated development level, with the highest degree of coupling coordination. In other years, the degree of coupling coordination is barely coordinated or out of balance, which shows that the province needs to pay attention to the coordinated development of MR and marine economy to promote The balance and stability of the marine ecosystem.
Marine Resource Carrying Capacity, Marine Economy, Coupling Relationship, Coordinated Development
Lohr Christoph. The Coupling Relationship between Marine Resource Carrying Capacity and Marine Economic Development Potential. Frontiers in Ocean Engineering (2021), Vol. 2, Issue 1: 10-17.
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