Frontiers in Ocean Engineering, 2021, 2(1); doi: 10.38007/FOE.2021.020106.
Shabna Dadpar
Tamale Technical University, Ghana
The development and utilization of marine resources(MR) not only promotes the development and prosperity of coastal society and economy, but also affects the EE of marine engineering(ME). This paper discusses and analyzes the impact of the development of OOAGR on the EE of offshore engineering. This paper analyzes the relationship between the development of marine oil and gas resources(MOAGR) and the Economic Environment(EE) of ME, as well as the contribution of the development of MOAGR to the economy, and probes into the correlation between MR and marine economy(MEC) from a macro perspective; Taking m Province as the research object, this paper analyzes the development of MOAGR and the oil pollutants in marine sediments, and discusses the impact of the development of MOAGR on marine fisheries.
Marine oil and Gas Resources, Resource Development, Marine Engineering, Economic Environment
Shabna Dadpar. The Economic and Environmental Impact of Marine Engineering on the Development of Offshore Oil and Gas Resources. Frontiers in Ocean Engineering (2021), Vol. 2, Issue 1: 45-53.
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