Frontiers in Ocean Engineering, 2021, 2(2); doi: 10.38007/FOE.2021.020206.
Pushpitari Ijazen
The University of Sydney Business School, Australia
In the research of modern intelligent algorithms, divide and conquer algorithms are also widely used. The divide-and-conquer algorithm has the characteristics of coping with the increase in the amount of data in large-scale data sets and high data dimensions. Combined with the research of platform structure topology optimization design, it is very important to improve the algorithm of design results under complex working conditions, which has important guiding significance for the research of platform structure and topology optimization design in marine engineering based on divide and conquer algorithm. In the experiment, the ten-bar plane pestle is taken as the research object, and the reliability optimization problem with stress as the limit state function under a single working condition is considered through numerical examples. The experimental results show that the reliability optimization method is feasible and reliable.
Divide and Conquer Algorithm, Marine Engineering, Platform Structure, Topology Optimization Design
Pushpitari Ijazen. Platform Structure and Topology Optimization Design in Marine Engineering Based on Divide-and-Conquer Algorithm. Frontiers in Ocean Engineering (2021), Vol. 2, Issue 2: 43-50.
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