International Journal of Neural Network, 2022, 3(3); doi: 10.38007/NN.2022.030301.
Tiankuo Yu
School of Business Administration, Heilongjiang Polytechnic, Harbin 153000, Heilongjiang, China
With the development of the e-commerce industry and the pursuit of quality of life, people buy big-name clothing online to enhance their visual enjoyment. An excellent visual identity of a clothing brand (CB) allows the brand to convey the designer's design concept and connotation of clothing to consumers, making the brand attractive to consumers and ultimately transforming it into purchasing power. For online CBs, this paper designs a real recognition system based on a fully connected neural network(FCNN). The system can identify which brand the clothing category belongs to by inputting the design elements of the CB and comparing the brand types summarized in the database. This paper compares the recognition effects of the three brands in clothing modeling, color, material, pattern and other elements, and finds that the system has the highest recognition accuracy for clothing patterns, which also shows that pattern is the most important element to distinguish a brand.
Fully Connected Neural Network, Clothing Brand, Recognition System, Recognition Accuracy
Tiankuo Yu. Online Clothing Brand Recognition Based on Fully Connected Neural Network. International Journal of Neural Network (2022), Vol. 3, Issue 3: 1-8.
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