Frontiers in Ocean Engineering, 2021, 2(4); doi: 10.38007/FOE.2021.020401.
Wei Di and Luda Xu
Shandong Yingcai University, Jinan, China
With the continuous expansion of the scale of marine aquaculture(MA) in my country, the discharge of waste water and residues generated in the aquaculture process has caused serious environmental pollution problems, and due to the lack of environmental protection awareness of farmers, the pollution of pollutants in the process of marine resources development has been caused. The harmless treatment is not in place, which will eventually deteriorate the marine ecological environment. Although government agencies have formulated various marine pollution control policies, farmers are aiming to pursue interests, and the implementation of pollution control measures is not in place. Corresponding incentive measures are needed to promote and respond to MA pollution control policies. This paper investigates farmers' understanding of MA pollution in a certain area and their cognition of government anti-pollution control, studies the causes of MA pollution in this area, and proposes government incentives mechanism such as reforming the governance system, establishing pollution control mechanisms, and updating pollution treatment technologies.
Marine Aquaculture, Pollution Control, Incentive Mechanism, Marine Resources
Wei Di and Luda Xu. Government Incentive Mechanism for Pollution Control in Marine Resource Development——Taking Marine Aquaculture as an Example. Frontiers in Ocean Engineering (2021), Vol. 2, Issue 4: 1-8.
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