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Zoology and Animal Physiology | Scholar Publishing Group

Zoology and Animal Physiology

ISSN: 2789-8369

Zoology and animal physiology not only have their own research projects, but also have inseparable relations with agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry, fishery, medicine, industry and other aspects, so the study of zoology and animal physiology is of critical importance. The journal Zoology and Animal Physiology focuses on the study of body functions and general physiological phenomena, such as nutrition, growth, reproduction, etc. In addition, according to the research progress, it also focuses on the study of endocrinology, immunology, enzymology, etc.

Through academic sharing and communication, this journal aims to facilitate interdisciplinary research of animal science and other subjects, so as to provide valuable academic support for the development and utilization of animal resources and the protection of animal resources. It not only studies all aspects of academic and productive activities about animals, but also investigates a wide range of biological activities, and thus plays an irreplaceable role in the biological research.

This journal focuses on the scientific nature, advanced nature, systematization and readability of papers, and welcome original articles on zoology, animal physiology, biology and other relevant subjects.

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