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International Journal of Business Management and Economics and Trade, 2023, 4(1); doi: 10.38007/IJBMET.2023.040109.

The Impact of Technical Barriers to Trade on China's Automobile Exports--Taking BYD as an Example


Luyao Wang

Corresponding Author:
Luyao Wang

Shanghai University, Shanghai 200444, China


With the continuous economic integration and trade liberalization, tariff restrictions have been gradually replaced by some emerging non-tariff barriers. Due to their inherent characteristics of not being easily detected, technical barriers to trade are increasingly becoming a means of protection for some developed countries, which can cause some substantial restrictions on China's industrial exports. Due to their inherent characteristics of not being easily detected, technical barriers to trade are increasingly becoming a means of protection for some developed countries, which can cause some substantial restrictions on China's industrial exports. This paper introduces the impact of technical barriers to trade of China's automobile enterprises and combines the impact of technical barriers to trade with the impact of technical barriers to trade on China's automobile industry. This paper introduces the impact of technical barriers to trade of China's automobile enterprises and combines the case of BYD Auto breaking through the trade barriers to analyse that technical barriers to trade will hinder the export of automobile enterprises in the short term. export of automobile enterprises in the short term, but can promote the development of the industry in the long term, and proposes feasible measures for China's automobile enterprises in the face of technical barriers to trade.


Technical Barriers to Trade, Automotive Enterprises, BYD

Cite This Paper

Luyao Wang. The Impact of Technical Barriers to Trade on China's Automobile Exports--Taking BYD as an Example. International Journal of Business Management and Economics and Trade (2023), Vol. 4, Issue 1: 71-79. https://doi.org/10.38007/IJBMET.2023.040109.


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