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Frontiers in Exercise Physiology | Scholar Publishing Group

Frontiers in Exercise Physiology

ISSN: 2790-0924

Exercise physiology is one of the basic subjects of sports science and a branch of human physiology. The research findings of related subjects have been widely used in the intelligent sports industry. The journal Exercise Physiology not only focuses on human physiology, but also attaches importance to human anatomy, biological chemistry, sport dynamics, sports medicine and other basic subjects. Only by combining with these related disciplines and making comprehensive research, can we achieve better research achievements.

This journal aims to encourage experts and scholars to actively share advanced techniques in this field, such as muscle biopsy, SEM observation, microelectrode physiology and ultramicro analysis, which have brought the study of exercise physiology into the microworld based on molecular. Meanwhile, the experimental data presented by journal fully integrated the computer memory, system processing, synthetic analysis and other data processing methods, so that the dynamic and overall level of research has reached a new height.

Original articles on exercise physiology, or other disciplines of infiltration such as pedagogy, physical education, clinical medicine, etc., and their corresponding research topics are welcomed.

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