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Socio-Economic Statistics Research | Scholar Publishing Group

Socio-Economic Statistics Research

ISSN: 2790-2722

In the development of socio-economic statistics, its research field is gradually developing towards statistical methods. Statistical methods have become the methodological basis for understanding the quantitative aspects of social and economic phenomena.

The journal Socio-Economic Statistics Research has obtained a lot of research achievements in statistical data and methods. It aims to promote the practice of social and economic statistics and the establishment of economic accounting system based on the guidance of statistics theory and the current economic situation. While continuously improving the basic theory, basic methods and basic skills, it is intended to absorb new research findings. This journal covers the principles of socio-economic statistics, economic statistics, social statistics, departmental statistics and statistical history, etc. Relying on strong data support, Socio-Economic Statistics Research has absorbed many research achievements on statistical reform, quoted the latest statistical data, strengthened the innovative upgrading of statistical analysis methods, and enriched the resource base of socio-economic statistics.

This journal not only focuses on the rationality of science, but also the character of strictness, conciseness, exactness, practicality and maneuverability. Articles that have in-depth discussions on statistical theory and methods are welcomed.

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