Kinetic Mechanical Engineering, 2022, 3(3); doi: 10.38007/KME.2022.030303.
Zhiying Mai
Qinghai Normal University, China
China is in the process of industrialization and informatization. A lot of new technologies have emerged in the industrial field, and great changes have taken place in technology, management and other aspects. These new industries and industrial upgrading promote the sustainable development of social economy. In order to avoid the depression of the traditional construction machinery industry, this paper intends to explore the new path of green development of the industry. This paper mainly uses the methods of investigation and comparison to study the green development of construction machinery. This paper also analyzes the path of green development by building the DEA Metallier model. The survey results show that although the efficiency of green technology innovation is different between ecological and non-ecological cities, the gap is gradually narrowing, only 0.06. This shows that in order to upgrade the industry, construction machinery needs to focus on its green technology investment.
Green Sustainable Development, Construction Machinery, Industrial Upgrading, New Path
Zhiying Mai. New Path of Upgrading Construction Machinery Industry Relying on Green and Sustainable Development. Kinetic Mechanical Engineering (2022), Vol. 3, Issue 3: 17-26.
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