Kinetic Mechanical Engineering, 2022, 3(3); doi: 10.38007/KME.2022.030308.
Zhaoyang Wu
Qinghai Normal University, China
The level of informationization determines the competitive market position of the new construction machinery industry, and the development of any enterprise is inseparable from the construction of the enterprise by informationization technology. In order to improve the competitiveness of the CM industry, it is necessary to evaluate the business model development of the industry. Therefore, taking A CM company as an example, this paper studies the development status of its CM products under the change of information technology construction, accelerates the upgrading of enterprise products by using the support policy of high-tech industry and the policy of encouraging innovation, and formulates a commercial competition strategy suitable for the development of A's machinery products to provide a guarantee for the healthy and sustainable development of the CM industry.
Construction Machinery Industry, Information Technology, Business Model, Competitive Strategy
Zhaoyang Wu. The Development of Business Model of New Construction Machinery Industry Integrating Information Technology. Kinetic Mechanical Engineering (2022), Vol. 3, Issue 3: 62-69.
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