International Journal of Health and Pharmaceutical Medicine, 2023, 4(1); doi: 10.38007/IJHPM.2023.040105.
Hashash Mostafa
Mil Tech Coll, Comp Dept, Cairo, Egypt
Alzheimer's disease usually has an incubation period, which is a slow and irreversible process, and is common in mental disorders clinically. Because of the irreversible damage and death of brain cells, the medical community has not yet found an effective method to treat the disease, so early diagnosis and early prediction of Alzheimer's disease are critical. This article aims to study the diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease based on supporting tensor machine algorithms and 3D brain white matter images. This paper proposes a classification method based on the third-level tensor method. The method takes the gray matter gray level of the MRI image as the feature, extracts the gray level of each voxel of the gray matter, and obtains the third-level gray level tensor. Tensor-based independent component analysis is used to obtain the independent components of the third-level grayscale tensor; in order to reduce the feature dimension, the support tensor machine is used to convert the tensor feature into a vector feature, and then the recursive feature elimination method is used to obtain the effective The main characteristics. The experimental results of this paper show that compared with traditional vector space machine learning, the algorithm proposed in this paper will use the original high-order tensor image as input data, which improves the consistency of data structure information by 15%. In addition, it supports the deletion of recursive features and tensor The machine-combined feature selection algorithm effectively eliminates redundant information and selects the best subset, which improves the performance of the classifier by 23%. It can effectively identify patients with AD and MCI.
Support Tensor Machine Algorithm, 3D Brain White Matter Image, Alzheimer's Diagnosis, Structural Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Hashash Mostafa. Alzheimer's Disease Diagnosis Based on Supporting Tensor Machine Algorithm and 3D Brain White Matter Images. International Journal of Health and Pharmaceutical Medicine (2023), Vol. 4, Issue 1: 44-57.
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