International Journal of Health and Pharmaceutical Medicine, 2023, 4(1); doi: 10.38007/IJHPM.2023.040107.
Wenbin Wang and Haizhe Zhou
Shaanxi University of Chinese Medicine, Xianyang, Shaanxi 712046, China
This paper discusses Professor Li Jun's clinical experience in treating apoplexy sequelae with insect drugs. With the improvement of living standards, the incidence of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases is increasing year by year, which poses new challenges to clinical diagnosis and treatment. The diagnosis and treatment of stroke diseases is particularly complex, but with the help of the unique advantages of traditional. Chinese medicine, Professor Li Jun believes that the pathogenesis of stroke sequelae is complex, and the essence is false but the reality is false. Deficiency of primordial qi, phlegm and blood stasis block the brain collaterals, while insect drugs have the effect of dispersing heart and dredging collaterals, and are sentimental products, which can search and eliminate the evil of phlegm and blood stasis in brain collaterals and reach the brain collaterals directly. Professor Li uses insect drugs and their drug pairs actively under the main body of syndrome differentiation and treatment, thus improving the clinical efficacy.
Insect Drugs, Professor Li Jun, Stroke, Stroke Sequelae, Clinical Experience
Wenbin Wang and Haizhe Zhou. Professor Li Jun's Experience in Treating Apoplexy Sequelae with Insect Drugs. International Journal of Health and Pharmaceutical Medicine (2023), Vol. 4, Issue 1: 77-84.
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