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International Journal of World Medicine, 2023, 4(2); doi: 10.38007/IJWM.2023.040206.

“Tongfa” in the Treatment of Insomnia


Bingxi Lu and Hujie Song

Corresponding Author:
Hujie Song

Shaanxi University of Chinese Medicine, Shaanxi, China


The reason why people can sleep is because yin and yang can communicate, and the root cause of insomnia is that yin and yang can not communicate. The dialectical complexity of insomnia, involving many viscera, makes it difficult to achieve a significant effect in clinical treatment of insomnia, but the essence of insomnia can be dialectical and recuperated. Insomnia often interferes with human normal life, work, study and health, and can increase or cause palpitation, chest arthralgia, dizziness, headache, stroke and other symptoms."[1] “Tongfa” is effective in the treatment of insomnia, and its related research is of valuable value.


Insomnia, Mood, Circadian Rhythm

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Bingxi Lu and Hujie Song. “Tongfa” in the Treatment of Insomnia. International Journal of World Medicine (2023), Vol. 4, Issue 2: 41-47. https://doi.org/10.38007/IJWM.2023.040206.


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