Kinetic Mechanical Engineering, 2023, 4(2); doi: 10.38007/KME.2023.040206.
Li Han, Wenxuan Sun, Zhitao Li, Yingyu Zhou, Jie Huang, Hui Chen and Tingen Wu
Guangzhou Railway Polytechnic, Guangzhou, Guangdong, 510430, China
In recent years, in order to alleviate the traffic pressure in urban areas, improve traffic congestion and facilitate people's travel, a large number of urban rail transit projects have been started in various regions. Urban rail transit has the advantages of environmental protection, strong transportation capacity, open transportation speed and stable transportation frequency. It is the main development direction of urban transportation system in the future. In order to improve the operation efficiency of urban rail transit system, most areas adopt the basic mode of network layout, and each node in the network is closely connected, so as to realize the overall improvement of transportation capacity. In order to ensure the security and stability of the network system, it is necessary to strengthen the research on the survivability of network cascading failure to avoid the failure problem affecting the normal operation. The application of data warehouse and data mining technology is an important way to realize the sharing and comprehensive utilization of information resources in intelligent transportation system. Knowledge-based reasoning and machine learning technology in artificial intelligence technology is the key to the intelligence of decision support system, and it is also the key to the success or failure of intelligent decision support system. Data mining is in the influence space of intelligent decision support system and is responsible for dealing with the intelligent decision support of logical nature. Therefore, data mining is in the most important position in the whole intelligent decision support system. This paper analyzes the intelligent transportation system with the method of system engineering, puts forward the architecture of the intelligent transportation system, puts forward the implementation method and problem-solving ideas according to the actual situation in China, and puts forward the optimization scheme for the transportation system and sudden events by using the technologies of data mining and artificial intelligence, so as to provide decision support for decision makers and realize the high efficiency and Stable and controllable.
Data Mining, Intelligent Transportation, Damage Resistance
Li Han, Wenxuan Sun, Zhitao Li, Yingyu Zhou, Jie Huang, Hui Chen and Tingen Wu. Research on Network Model of Transportation System Based on Data Mining and Its Invulnerability. Kinetic Mechanical Engineering (2023), Vol. 4, Issue 2: 48-55.
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