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International Journal of Educational Curriculum Management and Research, 2024, 5(1); doi: 10.38007/IJECMR.2024.050101.

The Practice of Linear Algebra Teaching Reform under the Curriculum Ideological and Political Perspective


Lijie Ma

Corresponding Author:
Lijie Ma

Foundational Courses Department, Wuhan Donghu University, Wuhan 430212, Hubei, China


The teaching effectiveness of linear algebra, as a core undergraduate course at Wuhan Donghu University, directly impacts students' abilities and levels. In line with our university's focus on practical application in undergraduate education, the curriculum team has implemented a series of effective teaching reforms. During the teaching process, teachers seamlessly integrate knowledge impartation and value guidance while aligning with other courses to achieve comprehensive, holistic education. This paper presents the blended teaching design, instructional methods, curriculum evaluation, mathematics experiments, etc., aiming to provide valuable insights for mathematics educators.


Linear Algebra, Ideological and Political Education, Teaching Reform, Teaching Methods

Cite This Paper

Lijie Ma. The Practice of Linear Algebra Teaching Reform under the Curriculum Ideological and Political Perspective. International Journal of Educational Curriculum Management and Research (2024), Vol. 5, Issue 1: 1-4. https://doi.org/10.38007/IJECMR.2024.050101.


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