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International Journal of Educational Curriculum Management and Research, 2024, 5(1); doi: 10.38007/IJECMR.2024.050108.

Evaluation System of Integrated Learning in and out of Physical Education Class Based on Artificial Intelligence Algorithm


Jijin Sun, Yan Sheng

Corresponding Author:
Yan Sheng

College of P.E, Qiongtai Normal University, Haikou 570100, Hainan, China


There are many problems in the existing sports teaching mode and learning evaluation system, which are difficult to apply in today's sports teaching. Therefore, it is necessary to innovate the sports teaching mode and learning evaluation system. With the rise of emerging technologies, multimodal learning has also been better applied in the collection and analysis of dynamic data of learning evaluation, which has played a better optimization effect on the current sports learning evaluation system. The increasingly mature artificial intelligence technology has been applied in all walks of life. Therefore, this paper proposed to apply artificial intelligence algorithm to physical education teaching, and combined support vector machine to build an integrated learning evaluation system model inside and outside the classroom. The model was also tested and analyzed from the aspects of evaluation accuracy and evaluation error. The experimental results showed that the average evaluation accuracy was 90.5%, and the average evaluation error was 0.76. It can be seen from the above data that support vector machine can effectively improve the evaluation accuracy of the model and reduce the evaluation error. In the survey of satisfaction of sports teaching experiment integrating multimodal learning, the average teaching satisfaction of students in four classes was 88.9%, which showed that students had a high satisfaction with sports teaching integrating multimodal learning.


Physical Education Learning, Integrated Learning Evaluation System in and out of Class, Artificial Intelligence Algorithm, Multimodal Learning

Cite This Paper

Jijin Sun, Yan Sheng. Evaluation System of Integrated Learning in and out of Physical Education Class Based on Artificial Intelligence Algorithm. International Journal of Educational Curriculum Management and Research (2024), Vol. 5, Issue 1: 46-58. https://doi.org/10.38007/IJECMR.2024.050108.


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