International Journal of Educational Innovation and Science, 2024, 5(1); doi: 10.38007/IJEIS.2024.050110.
Shumin Jia, Xiaonan Bao, Haiyang Wang
School of Geography and Tourism, Anhui Normal University, Wuhu, China
Immersive experience is very important to the development of tourism destinations. However, at present, there are few researches on immersive experience in tourism circles. Based on the analysis of 165 English literatures up to December 2023, this paper finds that: (1) In terms of theory, immersive experience research in tourism scenarios is widely used, with immersion theory and S-O-R theory accounting for the most. (2) In terms of research methods, the existing studies mainly use quantitative methods, mainly using immersion maturity scale as a measuring tool to conduct questionnaire survey, qualitative methods mostly use interview method, in addition, some studies use physiological instruments for measurement. (3) In terms of research content, it mainly includes the concept and measurement dimension of immersive experience, the influential factors of immersive experience and the effects of immersive experience. Among them, there are more researches on the influential factors of immersive experience, which mainly involve the physical and psychological perception of tourists, the stimulation of immersive environment created by technology and the interaction with people around them. On this basis, several suggestions are put forward. The existing researches on the influencing factors of immersive experience in tourism scenarios lack the investigation of different cultural backgrounds, and whether it has a negative impact on the effect of immersive experience needs to be further enriched and improved.
Immersive Experience; Tourism Situation; Influencing Factors; Effect
Shumin Jia, Xiaonan Bao, Haiyang Wang. Research Progress and Implications of Immersive Experience in Tourism Context--Based on English Literature Analysis. International Journal of Educational Innovation and Science (2024), Vol. 5, Issue 1: 78-87.
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