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International Journal of Educational Curriculum Management and Research, 2024, 5(2); doi: 10.38007/IJECMR.2024.050211.

Research on Home in Geography: A Systematic Literature Review


Jingran Bai, Ya Li, Ting Wang

Corresponding Author:
Jingran Bai

School of Geography and Tourism, Anhui Normal University, Wuhu, China


Since the 20thcentury, under the influence of globalization and urbanization, population mobility has increased worldwide, and mobility has become a major feature of modern society. Mobility has profoundly changed people's daily behaviors, giving rise to new patterns of mobility, and changing people's perceptions of "home". In the "home" culture formed by the Chinese over thousands of years, the home is a fixed place that keeps people rooted in a particular place and provides a special sense of identity. However, in the context of mobility, the concept of home is a complex research topic, which challenges the traditional imagination, and "home" is regarded as a more diversified and dynamic place, which is a combination of physical space and emotional space. Under the perspective of tourism geography, the macroscopic study of home focuses on the physical attributes of home, the evolution and power construction of home space in the context of tourism, and the study of the emotional attributes of home needs to be further explored. Research on the emotional attributes of "home" needs to be further explored.


Geography of Home; Mobility

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Jingran Bai, Ya Li, Ting Wang. Research on Home in Geography: A Systematic Literature Review. International Journal of Educational Curriculum Management and Research (2024), Vol. 5, Issue 2: 81-91. https://doi.org/10.38007/IJECMR.2024.050211.


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