International Journal of Health and Pharmaceutical Medicine, 2021, 2(3); doi: 10.38007/IJHPM.2021.020301.
Yunqing Han
Beijing Sport University, Beijing, China
To study and analyze the effect of physical training on improving the naked eye vision of juvenile myopia in clinical research, and to provide data reference for the vision treatment in clinical work. On the one hand, colleges and universities of a provincial sports college were randomly selected as survey schools, and 300 students were randomly checked in each grade of freshman, sophomore, junior and senior for questionnaire survey, to understand the weekly times of physical training, the time of each physical training and their amount of exercise. Meanwhile, 60 students were randomly divided into experimental group and control group, with 30 students in each group. This paper mainly studies the effects of physical training on the eyesight of teenagers and the effects of different physical training items on the naked eye eyesight of teenagers. The questionnaire survey showed that among the 1012 students in the effective survey, 544 students spent more than one hour in each physical training, and the proportion of those who had more than three hours of physical training per week also reached 54.3%. In the survey on the physical activity of teenagers, the proportion of physical activity from large to medium to small was 13%, 21% and 66% respectively. In the comparison between the experimental group and the control group, 19 students in the control group who did not receive physical training had visual impairment over the past year, with a proportion of 63.3%, while only 9 students in the experimental group had visual impairment, with a proportion of 30.0%. The difference between the two groups was significant (P<0.05). In addition, the effects of different physical training programs on the improvement of vision were also different, and the differences in gender, weight and other aspects between the two groups were not statistically significant (P>0.05). In the field of medical clinical research, physical training has a positive effect on improving the naked eye vision of myopia in adolescents.
Medical Clinical Research, Physical Training, Near-Sighted Naked Eye Vision, Statistical Method
Yunqing Han. Clinical Study of Sports Training to Improve the Adolescent Myopia Naked Eye Vision Study. International Journal of Health and Pharmaceutical Medicine (2021), Vol. 2, Issue 3: 1-11.
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