International Journal of Health and Pharmaceutical Medicine, 2020, 1(2); doi: 10.38007/IJHPM.2020.010204.
Jiayi Zhang
North Minzu University, Ningxia, China
The new baby is a family's expectation, which not only includes the mother's hard work in October, but also the crystallization of parents' love. The health problem of newborn infants is the most concerned problem of every family. In recent years, the health problems of newborn infants have been exposed obviously. Many congenital diseases are born, and some acquired diseases occur frequently due to the negligence of their parents. Therefore, infantile angular mastitis has become a serious disease among many infant diseases. Therefore, this paper puts forward whether the compound vitamin B combined with erythromycin ointment is effective in the treatment of infantile angular stomatitis and the therapeutic effect is studied. Methods of retrospective analysis and control trial were mainly adopted. 50 cases of infantile angular stomatitis were selected as the research objects, which were divided into 25 experimental groups and 25 control groups. The principle of single variable was used for comparative analysis. The results showed that compound vitamin B combined with erythromycin ointment had a better therapeutic effect on infantile angular stomatitis, and the recurrence rate of infantile keratitis was low after use, which was worthy of recommendation to all novice mothers and major hospitals.
Infantile Angular Stomatitis, Compound Vitamin B Combined with Erythromycin Ointment, Retrospective Analysis, Therapeutic Effect
Jiayi Zhang. Curative Effect of Compound Vitamin B Combined with Erythromycin Ointment in the Treatment of Infantile Angular Stomatitis. International Journal of Health and Pharmaceutical Medicine (2020), Vol. 1, Issue 2: 37-47.
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