International Journal of Health and Pharmaceutical Medicine, 2021, 2(2); doi: 10.38007/IJHPM.2021.020204.
Hoon Kim
Inje University, South Gyeongsang Province, Korea
With the continuous development of medicine, antibiotics have become the commonly used drugs in many patients during the operation period. However, excessive use of antibiotics is harmful to human health. Objective to investigate the prophylactic use of antibiotics under microscope during the operation period of liver cancer in general surgery department of a hospital. In this paper, 248 patients with prophylactic application of antibiotics under microscope during the operation of liver cancer in general surgery were randomly selected. The basic information and medication situation of these patients were investigated and filled in, and then the data of each group were analyzed and counted. According to the investigation and analysis, 16.8% of the 248 patients used prophylactic antibiotics under the microscope 3 hours before operation, 7.2% after operation. Among them, 52 cases (23.76%) were treated with one combination of antibiotics, 102 cases (68.43%) with two drugs and 8 cases (4.61%) with triple drugs. A total of 24 kinds of antibiotics were involved in the survey. The most commonly used antibiotics were penicillin, cephalosporin, monocyclic β - lactam antibiotics, minocycline, doxycycline, tetracycline, oxytetracycline, lincomycin, clindamycin, vancomycin, norvancomycin, enoxacin and ofloxacin. Therefore, the situation of prophylactic use of antibiotics under microscope in patients with liver cancer in general surgery is basically reasonable, and a few patients use antibiotics for a long time after operation, which is not conducive to the recovery of patients after operation. Therefore, we should strengthen the management and distribution mechanism of antibiotics to ensure that patients can use antibiotics within a reasonable range.
Liver Cancer Surgery in General Surgery, Microscope Prevention, Preventive Use, Antibacterial Drugs
Hoon Kim. Prophylactic use of Antibiotics under Microscope in General Surgery for Liver Cancer. International Journal of Health and Pharmaceutical Medicine (2021), Vol. 2, Issue 2: 36-46.
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