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International Journal of Educational Innovation and Science, 2020, 1(4); doi: 10.38007/IJEIS.2020.010405.

Cultivation of Creative Ability in the Teaching Reform of Industrial Design Wireless Sensor


Zhitong Yan

Corresponding Author:
Zhitong Yan

Harbin University, Harbin 150086, Heilongjiang, China


Wireless sensor network is a network with limited energy, which can collect network information in time, analyze the current network operation status, and feedback effective information to managers. It can be seen that the practical course of "Sensor Application Technology" has an important position in the course teaching. By introducing the wireless sensor network architecture and Zigbee related knowledge, secondly, the wireless sensor network topology control is studied, the LEACH algorithm and the HEED algorithm are deeply studied, and the load balancing topology control algorithm (LHTCA algorithm) is designed. The statistical calculation results show that the average private packet rate of 20 nodes reaches 26.9%. The algorithm balances the energy consumption of network nodes and helps to improve the network life cycle. Then, the wireless sensor network management system is designed, and the related software and hardware equipment for the system implementation is introduced. Finally, the load balancing topology algorithm designed by the application is applied to the deployment of the management system, and the teaching management system is tested and verified. The test results show that the system can collect and monitor the students' learning status and other related information in real time, so as to effectively realize the problem of combining theory and practice in teaching courses.Through the Internet teaching system, taking wireless data transmission and reception as the research object, after class through the teaching system to communicate with each other to discuss learning and practice experience, to stimulate students' desire to explore and innovate after class.


Wireless Sensor, Instructional Design, Network Topology, Network Management, LEACH Algorithm, HEED Algorithm

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Zhitong Yan. Cultivation of Creative Ability in the Teaching Reform of Industrial Design Wireless Sensor. International Journal of Educational Innovation and Science (2020), Vol. 1, Issue 4: 47-67. https://doi.org/10.38007/IJEIS.2020.010405.


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