International Journal of Health and Pharmaceutical Medicine, 2021, 2(1); doi: 10.38007/IJHPM.2021.020106.
Sineme Alturjmana and Chiadia Altrjemana
American University in the Emirates, UAE
In recent years, the demand for medical services in China has continued to increase. However, doctor-patient disputes and doctor-patient contradictions have not been effectively controlled and improved, and incidents of attacking and injuring a doctor have occurred from time to time. Frequent medical safety problems, while affecting the normal order of medical institutions, have also seriously damaged the physical and mental health of medical staff and patients, and damaged the hospital's brand and reputation. This article mainly studies how to systematically carry out research and innovation of medical security risk management and control the occurrence of medical security (adverse) events. This article analyzes medical risk management from two aspects: total quality management and risk prevention and control management; analyzes the current status and problems of risk prevention and control from three aspects: government supervision, corporate self-control, and medical institution management; from the establishment of a quality control center and the establishment of a medical equipment administrator In other aspects, explore and practice medical risk prevention and control methods to reduce medical security risks. The survey results in this article found that there is a misuse of clinical users. Due to poor clinical maintenance management, improper use or misuse, it accounts for 50% to 60% of the risk sources of adverse events in medical devices. There are many types of hospital equipment and complicated operations. Insufficient training, inadequate knowledge of standardized operating procedures and inadequate implementation have led to misuse.
Medical Security, Risk Management, Security Management, Medical Institutions
Sineme Alturjmana and Chiadia Altrjemana. Medical Institution Security Risk Management. International Journal of Health and Pharmaceutical Medicine (2021), Vol. 2, Issue 1: 62-76.
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