Academic Journal of Environmental Biology, 2020, 1(1); doi: 10.38007/AJEB.2020.010102.
Cioara Tudor
Charles Sturt University, Australia
The accelerating development of artificial intelligence not only promotes a qualitative leap in my country's science and technology, but also further stimulates social and economic development. The application of molecular biology technology(MBT) in environmental biology can improve the current ecological environment, so as to better meet the needs of modern people's life. In this paper, taking activated sludge denitrification as an example, the sludge DNA was first extracted, and then the sludge DNA was amplified by PCR using fluorescence quantitative PCR technology, and then the IFAS system was used to denitrify the sewage, BOD5 inlet and outlet water quality changes, in order to evaluate the water quality standards. The experimental results show that after denitrification, the water quality can basically meet the discharge standard of Class B, and the removal rate of organic matter in sewage can also reach about 90%, which verifies that MBT can effectively degrade and remediate complex pollutants in the environment .
Artificial Intelligence, Molecular Biology Technology, Environmental Biology, Activated Sludge Denitrification
Cioara Tudor. Molecular Biology Technology in Environmental Biology under the Background of Artificial Intelligence. Academic Journal of Environmental Biology (2020), Vol. 1, Issue 1: 10-17.
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