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Academic Journal of Environmental Biology, 2020, 1(2); doi: 10.38007/AJEB.2020.010203.

Biological Monitoring System of Water Environment Based on Human-computer Interaction Technology


Manzin Anue

Corresponding Author:
Manzin Anue

Shabakeh Pardaz Azarbaijan, Iran


With the continuous development of the national economy and society, the concept of sustainable development also puts forward new requirements for the development of water conservancy, and the pollution of lakes hinders the development of water environment. It can be seen that the management of river and lake environment is particularly important. Monitoring and early warning of biological dynamics in the aquatic environment is particularly important. The purpose of this paper is to study the biological monitoring system of water environment based on human-computer interaction technology. It is proposed to combine computer human-computer interaction technology with water quality biological monitoring technology, and try to design a biological water quality monitoring system to realize comprehensive monitoring of water quality and early warning of water pollution. Through the research and analysis of the environmental monitoring system based on human-computer interaction, a set of client-side human-computer interaction scheme and UI scheme suitable for the system is designed and implemented, and the system is tested for biological monitoring of water environment.


Human-computer Interaction, Aquatic Environment Biology, Biological Monitoring, Monitoring System

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Manzin Anue. Biological Monitoring System of Water Environment Based on Human-computer Interaction Technology. Academic Journal of Environmental Biology (2020), Vol. 1, Issue 2: 18-25. https://doi.org/10.38007/AJEB.2020.010203.


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